Valencia City Council have fined 2,300 e-scooter riders and 1,450 cyclists in 2021-22, with fines totalling €92,715.

Fines imposed include those for riding with headphones or earbuds in place (751). Riding on pavements (551). On mobile phones (76). Over the drink/ride limit for alcohol (59). Speeding (9). Carrying a passenger (4).

Drink drive limits for bicycles are set at the same levels as car drivers, with fines up to €1,000 issued.

The figures, to which the Popular Party has had access in a response given by the City Council to the sanctions, date from 2021 to November 2022.

“It shows that we must continue with the awareness campaigns, so that users know better the road regulations and how they should circulate. “Furthermore, scooters should also be included in these programmes, since more sanctions have been imposed on them than bicycles, more than 2,300 on scooters compared to 1,450 on bicycles”, said PP Councillor Carlos Mundina in the City Hall.

Of the €92,715 fines, €54,208 are for driving with headphones, €21,985 for driving on the sidewalk, €12,180 for positive alcohol, €3,923 for talking on the mobile, €317 for speeding and €100 for more than one person on board.

Carlos Mundina added: “Both awareness and control campaigns are necessary so that coexistence between scooter users, pedestrians and vehicles is more positive”

e-scooter riders’ sanctions for driving on pavements totals 984.

Fines imposed include driving with more occupants than allowed (614); using headphones (470), alcohol positive (147), speeding (133) driving with mobile (41). Fines totalling €84,655.