THE Solandra vine has many common names, such as Cup of gold vine, Golden chalice vine and Hawaiian Lily.

They are a fast-growing climbing shrub that have large dark green leaves and elliptical or oval shape, that can reach upto 10 metres height.

Solandra normally bloom in the winter months, however in warm climates, such as here on the Vega Baja, they can flourish in all the other seasons with spectacular golden yellow stumpy flowers, with purple veins up to 20cm in diameter, producing a pleasant scent at night.

Climbing plants, they can be used to cover fences, walls or pergolas, in situ best in full sun or semi-shade exposure in any well-draining soil.

Water weekly in spring and summer, as they are drought resistant plants. During winter reduce watering to once a month.

When planted in areas of high humidity, the plant will produce more leaves than flowers, which can be pruned after flowering, to control their growth and shape.

Fertilise with compost or manure in the autumn months and with a mineral fertiliser when the plant is flowering.

Solandra are easy to propagate from cuttings in the summer months.

Garden Felix