Battle for Cala Mosca not yet lost

Cala Mosca Developer makes Extravagent Environmental Claims
Cala Mosca Developer makes Extravagent Environmental Claims

CLARO Press Release – It is a great disappointment that the Valencia regional government has approved the environmental impact study, prepared by the Developer, Gomendio, which opens the way for the construction of 1,500 new housing units on Cala Mosca and the destruction of  Orihuela Costa’s last piece of virgin coast.

However, CLARO is convinced that this is not the end of the story.   The European Parliament has been a supporter of preserving Cala Mosca since CLARO presented a petition with over 7,000 signatures in 2010.  

After the last meeting of the Parliament’s Petitions Committee in 2017 the President expressed “deep concern” about the building project proposed for Cala Mosca and stressed the importance of “an independent impact assessment” of the project.  

Valencia has not heeded this concern and has not carried out an independent environmental impact study.   

CLARO will continue the fight to save Cala Mosca.   We will seek to maintain the support of the European Parliament.   We will continue to work with the Cambiemos Orihuela political party, the only Orihuela based party to have shown an interest in the problem, to find solutions which prevent the massive urbanization of this last piece of natural coastland.       

There are still unanswered questions concerning the supply of domestic water, connection to the sewage system, the consequences for traffic on the congested N332 road, as well as irregularities in the planning procedure.  

And of course there is the consequence, as a result of building 1,500 new housing units, of adding up to 5,000 new inhabitants to Orihuela Costa, nearly a 20% increase, making much worse for the population the present inadequate municipal services and infrastructure.

It is regrettable that governing Popular Party and Ciudadanos coalition has not lifted a finger to safeguard Orihuela Costa’s environment or to protect the interests of its citizens.