Mojácar’s Youth Department, in co-ordination with Almeria Provincial Council, organized a day of fun role-playing games for the town’s the young people, under the banner “Rol en tu Pueblo 2018.”

Raquel Belmonte, the local Youth Councillor, included this event as part of the year’s activities especially programmed for the younger members of the community. She went on to say that “the youth of the 21st century requires educational challenges and, we must build up their resources when faced with a world of digital culture, so that they are able to use all the tools available to them in a positive and productive way.”

The interest that all the new technologies have for young people has been shown by the success of all the courses and workshops on related topics that have been planned in the town.  “Rol en tu Pueblo” is the name given to this alternative regional leisure programme which has a dual purpose.  On one hand it brings board games and role-playing games to young people, whilst additionally showing them healthy, sound ways to enjoy themselves in their free time.

Participants between the age of 14 and 30 joined in the workshop held in Mojácar, which included role playing, board games and strategic video games, which were supervised throughout by a team of tutors who explained the dynamics of the games so that they could fully learn about them whilst having lots of fun together.

Role-playing games are interpretative activities, in which the participants take on the part of a fictional character then develop their own story for it, all with the aim of developing imagination, ingenuity and improvisation.