VOX files complaint against the table of the Parliament of Catalonia and against the Government of the Generalitat

VOX files complaint against the table of the Parliament of Catalonia and against the Government of the Generalitat
VOX files complaint against the table of the Parliament of Catalonia and against the Government of the Generalitat


Madrid, September 6, 2017.- VOX has filed a complaint in the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia against members of the Bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia and the Government of the Generalitat once it has been known that today has agreed, with the exception of its Secretary-General, who has refused to sign such an illegal act, the admission to the urgent procedure of the referendum law, with which it is intended to give a semblance of legality to the coup d’etat in Catalonia scheduled for next October 1.

The crimes that VOX denounces in its complaint are those of prevarication, typified and punished in Art. 404 of the Criminal Code, usurpation of attributions and functions, typified and punished in Art. 402 and Art. 506 of the Penal Code, disobedience to judicial authority, typified and punished in Art. 410 of the Criminal Code, conspiracy to commit rebellion, typified and punished in Art. 472 in relation to Art. 473, both of the Penal Code, sedition in degree of intent, typified and punished in Art. 544 in relation to Art. 545.1 and Art. 548, all of them of the Penal Code, and of embezzlement of public funds, typified and punished in art. 432 of the Penal Code.

The lawsuit filed by VOX’s legal services reports facts that could constitute crimes punishable by up to twenty-five years in prison, and absolute disqualification for public office or employment for the same period, as well as pecuniary fines.

Santiago Abascal, president of VOX, who is in Barcelona to participate this afternoon at 19:30 in a march in front of the Government Delegation in Barcelona to demand that the Government apply Article 155, has stated that: “The Government has become a stationary statue of salt in front of the window of the Constitutional Court. VOX intends with this complaint to stop the coup d’état in Catalonia with the Law in hand, something that Mariano Rajoy does not dare to do, as is his obligation, applying article 155 of the Constitution. It is urgent to return Catalonia to democratic normality. That is why, since VOX we act with the tools we have within our reach and we demand the Government to do the same with theirs, applying the Constitution and enforcing the Penal Code. ” Santiago Abascal added that if the President of the Government does not act immediately, he will lose all legitimacy: “Because of it, the State has fallen into legal, political and democratic passivity to react against the coup d ‘etat we are living in Catalonia “.

Santiago Abascal added that “the impunity with which separatists are treated is, in addition to an attack on the unity of Spain, a clear discrimination against the citizens who pay their fines and to whom the law is applied without contemplations.”


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Secretaria Provincial de Vox
VOX es un partido político creado para la renovación y el fortalecimiento de la vida democrática española. Somos como tú, profesionales, autónomos, amas de casa, jubilados, emprendedores, empleados, trabajadores, funcionarios, estudiantes, etc., que nunca hemos vivido de la política, que nos hemos sentido defraudados por los políticos actuales y que hemos dado un paso al frente para CAMBIAR esta situación. El político debe estar para servir, escuchar, gestionar y actuar. Apostamos además por los Valores, la Familia y la Vida. Para nosotros la prioridad son las personas y creemos en un sistema basado en la libertad, donde todos los impuestos sean lo más reducidos posible o incluso eliminados. Si se gestiona correctamente y se evitan los miles de millones de euros en gastos innecesarios, se pueden crear las condiciones necesarias para que todos, absolutamente todos, podamos vivir en un país más próspero y justo.