Tag: Vistabella

Rubys Golf Society at Vistabella

Our first Trophy game of 2020 took us to our local course Vistabella, the weather was not conducive for good golf as there was...

Clapton’s Golf Society – Vistabella Golf – 20th April 2018

This month’s competition was held at the newly laid out Vistabella Golf.  The weather was warm and comfortable but the wind was blowing across...


Seprona Civil Guard locates illegal vehicle workshop in Rojales

The serious irregularities observed by the Seprona in the...

Ask the Optician – Eyes on Diabetes

Understanding diabetes and its side effects is the first...


Alderman Fitzwarren, portrayed by (Paul Clough), is a character...

Orihuela cedes a plot in Los Altos for a second health centre on the coast

The Orihuela Council has proposed to the Generalitat a...