Partido Independencia Orihuela Costa

P.I.O.C is the independent political party formed by former members of another party and dedicated residents of Orihuela Costa, Together, we are a strong community that needs to progress. The approach is to create policies that suit our neighbours and visitors. The residents of Orihuela Costa are tired of the many years of indifferences on the part of the different political parties and the municipality of Orihuela which has ruled with biased agendas.

Exclusive articles:

10,000 Voting Slips remain undelivered in Orihuela Costa

PIOC have written to the British Deputy Vice Consul in Alicante claiming that 10,000 letters explaining their Voting Rights, addressed to Permanent British Residents...

Registering to Vote – PIOC Clinics

PIOC are pleased to announce that we are holding "clinics" every single weekday next week (and beyond), to inform local residents about how to...

Your Vote Matters!

There is general apathy amongst the international community when it comes to voting in Spanish Local Elections. It is if they are sleep walking oblivious...

Is CLARO playing a dangerous political game?

For the sake of all residents living in Orihuela Costa, now, as well as future generations, PIOC had hoped that the olive branch they...