David Aitken


Exclusive articles:

Don’t Complicate Matters!

Keep things simple, I always say.  The famous equation E = mc2 could be much more simply stated as "Energy equals 2 squares of...

Advice from Bygone Times

We learn from experience that no one ever learns from experience, but that doesn't stop people giving us advice.  "Never fall in love with...

A Fiery Tale of Combustion

How the first caveman's eyes must have glowed when he discovered fire.  It has mesmerised humans ever since.  It must have paved the way...

In Search of New Clichés

There is a platitude or cliché to cover every aspect of life, from cradle to grave.  'One born every minute' to 'the final nail...

Finishing Other People’s Sentences

Completing other people's sentences for them sounds like a very niche job for a person already in prison.  Perhaps I should have described it...