Spring is rushing towards us, bringing in the revival of nature, and long-expected sunny days. Every morning the rooms are lit with sunshine, bringing us energy, and joy, and…treacherously outlining all the dirt on our windows, all the dusty surfaces, and all the clutter. The revival of nature is also a signal for us to dust off our living space letting in more air and cleanliness.

While regular cleaning is more or less a habitual thing to do, at least we have a visibly acceptable picture, all the ‘clean-it-later’ stuff gets accumulated and requires more effort to get rid of it. Obviously, getting down to deep cleaning requires time and a great deal of commitment, however, it’s totally worth the effort. While getting rid of all the bric-a-brac, unused clothes, and things, you also free your mind from rubbish, which has been on your brain for some time. Psychologists prove that regular and deep cleanings boost our mental and physical health.

How to prepare for spring cleaning?

1.    Set the time

When planning the spring cleaning, look at the bright side of the process, don’t think of it as a burden, otherwise, you will just keep postponing it till the next spring again. The deep cleaning typically takes more than 2-3 hours depending on the size of the place, general condition, and the speed of your performance. Arrange with all your housemates the time, as this should be performed simultaneously in every room.

Obviously, if you have a busy schedule or the space clutter goes far beyond your cleaning skills and patience, you can use house cleaning services, and just have a piece of mind, enjoying the free time and cleanliness.

2.    To-do list

Writing a to-do list helps you see the big picture, plan the time and stay on top of things. Make sure you mention all the stuff that requires your attention, even the tiniest spots.

3.    Cleaning supplies

Different surfaces require different solutions. Before getting down to cleaning, make sure you are equipped with all the necessary things:

  • Microfiber cloths, sponges;
  • Spray bottles with cleaners, and soap;
  • A vacuum, a mop, a duster;
  • Several pairs of gloves;
  • A bucket;
  • Backing soda, vinegar.

Be aware that the all-purpose cleaner may not be the best option. Kitchen surfaces may require organic substances, while toilets may be cleaned using specific chemicals.

What to clean?

1.    Window clothing

Window clothing was probably carefully selected to fit the overall space. However, after some time we get used to them and don’t even notice that legerity and airiness gradually turn into a piece of greyish cloth with lots of particles of dust.

  • Curtains need to be taken down and washed. Make sure you choose a proper mode for cleaning, which is typically a delicate or manual regimen.
  • Blinds can visibly be okay, yet, when you take a closer look, you will see the grime and dust, especially in the kitchen, where everything is sealed by tiny particles of fat.

Once you hang everything back, you will see that everything will become lighter and brighter, with a nice fragrance of freshness (depending on the conditioner).

2.    Windows

Windows require a proper wash-up, as they are the ‘portal’ for light. The most efficient way to clean them is with the help of a squeegee, and a mix of water and vinegar. Another way is just to use microfiber cloths with any available kind of all-purpose cleaners, or just soap and crumpled newspaper or paper towels.

It’s better to wash the windows early in the morning, while it’s still lit by the sun. However, be aware of draughts, as you don’t want to end up being ill.

3.    Walls

All the walls need dusting. In case they are covered by humid-proof wallpapers or paint, you can wet the cloths and remove all the specks of dust so “beautifully’ highlighted by the spring sun. Typically, we don’t notice it when the walls are light-colored, however, the darker shades will always give away the owners who don’t engage in cleaning regularly.

4.    Lighting and fixtures

Cobwebs finely interlaced with dust are a nice Halloween decor but should have no place in the living space. In case you have high ceilings, you will not even notice that they exist, yet, a closer look will reveal this dark side. A duster will work perfectly for the rooms and the hall, however, the kitchen fixtures will require wet cloths, as everything is covered in particles of dust and fat.

And it’s just about time you replaced the light bulbs, to bring in more light.

5.    Door Accessories

Doorknobs and handles need decent wiping and disinfection. Luckily, after the pandemic times, the majority of us have a lot of disinfectants stored, and that’s the right moment to use them. The hinges may require the touch of a wet cloth as well, as the dust is typically black there.

6.    Plants

If you keep some flower pots at home, spring is the best time to replant them, and get rid of old and yellowish leaves, and dry branches. Green and strong plants share the energy of positivity, however, the neglected ones just make the place look miserable.

7.    Tiles

The bathroom, toilet, and kitchen typically have areas with tiles. The best way to clean the joints and corners of the tiles is to use a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and water. When joined together, they start a chemical reaction that helps to dissolve the old dirt. All the scrubbing and washing will become much easier afterward. And don’t forget to disinfect the floor tiles as well.

Spring cleaning isn’t just a whim of those who are cleaning-crazy. It is rather a necessity that helps to turn your living space into a comfortable and healthy environment. Those who simply despise all the cleaning-related stuff may use the cleaning company service, as it will be cheaper than buying all the equipment without a proper understanding of what to do with it.

In order to make spring cleaning faster and easier, it is recommended to have proper regular cleaning and not leave everything for the next time, which is quite a common thing for the majority of people. Turn on the music, turn off all the annoying thoughts, and get down to work!