Delighted Boris is finally going, sadness that the current mechanism doesn’t allow an immediate general election, and utter sadness over the immense damage the Tories and Boris have inflicted on the UK’s credibility across the world.

Boris has repeatedly cited his massive 80-seat majority for remaining in office. That huge majority was thanks to Corbyn and the UK’s fear of voting in a Labour government, led by Corbyn, which would have allowed the trade unions rampant power and who would have nationalised everything which moved and much which didn’t!

That communist, left wing faction within the Labour party has not gone away, just as the rabid right in the Tory party is still there and active…so watch out for them in the current Tory PM election process.

It always baffles me as to why UK people on lower or middle incomes ever think a right-wing Tory party would ever help them. They will bang on about lowering taxes, which, obviously, is very attractive, but who does that benefit the most? Yes, the stinking rich, the rich landowners, the rich silver spooners and the rich company directors who, from a tax cut, would receive more money than average owners earn in a year.

I cannot understand how poorer and middle earning working people can support a party which comes from, and supports, the rich – who award themselves up to 50% more in pay and bonuses while plotting in their board rooms to keep workers’ wages to next to nothing.

Nor should anyone, other than the selfish rich, support a party which bangs on about tax cuts – which only reduces the amount of money for the NHS, state education, care in old age, police, security, and local services, etc. etc. Why do the rich want tax cuts – because it puts more money into their pockets, so they can pay for private health, education, and care…because they are totally selfish and couldn’t care a jot about the majority who cannot afford it.

Nor do I want to see a political party in power which allows the more powerful trade unions in the country to get their members richer at the expense of the rest.

We have seen in the USA the disastrous consequences of having a two party system left v right, Republican v Democrat which has so divided the country that it is on the verge of civil disturbance if not civil war.

Thankfully in the UK we have a middle of the road party waiting in the wings to save us from this dreadful left v right disaster. So, whenever the next election may be, think very seriously about voting for a political party which could, if sufficient people vote for them, make a real difference to the future of Britain, and could put an end to this dreadful class war … left v right … rabid Tories and loony left wingers. The future…let it be Lib Dem.

Don’t go the polls thinking you want to back the winner… as if you were going to the bookies, think about what could be best for the future of Britain and keep us on a much-needed middle road.

Cartoon courtesy: The Telegraph