Up-to-date news for all Torrevieja U3A members, plus any other people who may be considering joining our group.

Normally we cease functioning during the summer months but in light of the fact that we have only just been able to restart our meetings, it has been decided to hold one more full meeting, later this month, which will be a chance to meet up with friends old and new and also to be entertained by a popular local singer.

All of our normal facilities will be there for you. New members wishing to join the group will also be welcome.

Coffee mornings will be held during July and August allowing future events to be booked and paid for and to simply socialise.

Our annual Groups Fair will be taking place in September.

After this time it is hoped that we can fully return to a pre-covid existence.

A Craft Fair to raise funds for our Presidents Charity is proposed to be held in the autumn. Fuller details will be made available in due course. The Fair will be open to stallholders, regardless of whether they are U3A members or not. The price to have a table at the fair will be €5 per table. So come along to sell your wares and to help a good cause.

All queries should be directed to our social team by email on torreviejau3asocialteam@gmail.com.

All of the above activities will be held at the Los Angeles Bar in Torrevieja, hopefully in the open areas thus allowing more space for friends to meet up in comfort and take advantage of the facilities available.

Fuller details of all events will be announced in due course via our normal means of communication (Newsletter, Website torreviejau3a.org. and Facebook pages)

Barry Weston, Torrevieja U3A Press Officer