Glass Recycling hots up for 300 Torrevieja businesses

Glass Recycling hots up for 300 Torrevieja businesses

Over 300 Torrevieja businesses, predominately those involved in the tourist industry, have agreed to take part in the council’s glass recycling initiative announced by Cllr Fanny Serrano on Friday.

The campaign ‘Take note, recycle glass’ will be managed by Ecovidrio, the non-profit organisation that specialises in recycling this type of packaging, together with the Department of the Environment and Hostelería, demonstrating the firm commitment that exists in the town for the environment.

Ecovidrio will make more than 1,000 information and awareness visits to hospitality establishments where they will install new containers to enable the better recycling of glass.

Establishments will compete during the summer and will be able to follow their position in the rankings through the web

The business that achieves the highest score, will receive master class with the Denia born three Michelin Star chef Quique Dacosta.

In order to encourage residents to recycle glass containers Ecovidrio has decorated bins with summer motifs.

In her press conference the councillor said that she has “complained bitterly” about the lack of plastic recycling containers in the municipality. “I have the promise that 500 containers will arrive shortly from Ecoembes, but while we wait is very It is difficult for Torrevieja to increase it’s recycling figures.

She compared number of recycling containers distributed throughout the municipality saying that whilst there are 699 glass containers there are only 159 for the collection of plastic.



  1. There could be so much more done to increase recycling. Where we live – El Galan – the “normal” bins are often full with plastic water bottles and tins, although there are specific bins for this just down the road in La Fuente. The problem is, a lot of people around here are retired and the local bins are just too convenient.
    How can we get the council to place separate bins here for plastic and paper???
    The tonnage of both here are huge but it all goes in the wrong bins!!!