Schoolchildren on the road with Mojácar Local Police


Mojácar Local Police have been offering traffic education classes to the children from the Mojácar “Bartolomé Flores” Public School in which they have been able to work with the youngsters to train them in the appropriate, safe and responsible use of public space.

Nearly 100 pupils, corresponding to the four groups of pupils from the 5th and 6th grades of primary school, aged between 10 and 11 years, have taken part in these interesting talks offered by the Local Police, in which through fun methodologies and practical examples, they try in an entertaining way to create habits, behaviours and correct conduct that are of vital importance for their safety and that of others.

The youngsters learn valuable lessons and advice from the Mojácar Local Police, who become teachers for a day to teach the children to move safely around their surroundings and be aware of the importance of road safety.

This year they have given special importance, not only to the use of bicycles but also, and specifically, to the use of PMV scooters and the safety means that must be employed and which are mandatory, such as helmets, lights and reflective vests.

Of great importance is the use of arms, which in the absence of indicators on this type of vehicle indicate turns at crossings or changes of direction, notify the rest of the road users of the manoeuvres that are going to be made and warn them to prevent accidents.

All this with clear and simple examples to facilitate understanding and to be remembered and respected when using these means of transport.

For the Mojácar Local Police Traffic Education Office, this initiation is of great importance since, as they point out, “Young people are small pedestrians, passengers in various means of transport, and potential drivers. It is key that they gradually learn the rules of road safety education in all these areas and even be our collaborators, since they can remind their parents of the importance of road safety and the compliance of some of them that, sometimes, we overlook.”

This experience is being provided by the Mojácar Local Police Traffic Education Office, and its effectiveness and the good reception from the children have raised the need to extend it to more courses at the school.

At the moment, it is done annually, and it has been taught for a long time, always receiving the schoolchildren’s maximum attention, and where, in addition to learning, they also raise questions and actively collaborate

Mojácar Local Police always pays great attention to young people: “They are our future,” they say. Hence their actions with them also focus on other sessions, such as the one held recently on drug addiction, bringing to the institute the material for detecting prohibited substances and police dogs, with talks on their danger and practical demonstrations used by the members of State Security for control, among many other issues that may be of interest to them. They are also responsible for monitoring the fight against school absenteeism.