Mojácar Local Police has a new vehicle in addition to the six already in its fleet.

The new patrol car, a Ford, is a hybrid model:  environmentally friendly, with lower consumption and quieter.

It is equipped with all the security measures necessary for carrying out policing work. There is a double system of lights controlled by a panel and a security screen in the event of having to transport detainees, among other improvements.

The state-of-the-art flashing lights bridge is low-profile LEDs, which allow for greater visibility, even in the event of adverse weather, and can be seen from a greater distance. Likewise, the exterior signage is done with special, high-visibility paint, that allows for easy identification of the vehicle.

For use in an emergency, the new vehicle has extinguishers, a first-aid kit, torches, a radio transmitter and siren, as well as specific equipment, which according to the criteria of the officers, varies according to the needs of the service.

The most notable is the integrated police application, a built-in computer connected to the police database, which can check vehicle licence plates in real-time to find out whether they have been reported stolen, have insurance or have not passed an MOT.

Alerts from the headquarters can also be received directly in the vehicle in the event of any complaint or emergency which arises, as well as a direct connection with emergency 112, also in real-time.

It allows officers on duty to send and receive information about any incidents in the areas together with the rest of the security forces.

As well as six patrol cars, Mojácar Local Police also have four motorcycles, which allow them to get to rural areas which the vehicles can’t access, and a buggy which the beach lifeguards use.

The team is made up of 21 officers, although in summer, as a result of agreements signed with neighbouring municipalities, the number of officers increases significantly.