MADRID (6 January 22). At the Easter Military Parade held in Madrid King Felipe VI spoke of the “memory and dignity” of the victims of ETA as he sent “a message of encouragement and admiration” to their families, whose “strength and courage serves as a guide” to all Spanish people.

The king had these words of remembrance for the victims of terrorism during the celebration of Military Easter Parade at the Royal Palace, a military act marked again by the pandemic, but which  this year celebrates the 240th anniversary of its creation by King Carlos III.

Coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the cessation of “violence” by the ETA terrorists, the King recalled “with great emotion” their victims – many of whom belonged to the Armed Forces and State Security Services.

The Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, also remembered the tenth anniversary of the cessation of terrorist violence, recognizing that society will always have “an unpayable debt of gratitude” to them and their families.

She highlighted the need to “continue giving” to the members of the Armed Forces “the attention they require”, something that she believes ” they deserve as a reward for their dedication” to the defense of Spain “and their sacrifice for the good common to all Spaniards “.

“I do not want to end without underlining the importance for National Defense that all our personnel have; our men and women who, day by day, prove to be the most valuable commodity we have – the monarch said -. We must continue to provide them with the attention they require: for their own safety and in their needs and concerns “.

He stressed, the professional effort of the military is “key” to maintaining its “intense level of activity.” “The rapid and effective response regularly demonstrated to situations as demanding as those we have seen in recent years, would not have been possible without their excellent preparation and without the provision of the necessary means,” he recalled after a year in which the Armed Forces have faced missions like the evacuation of the Kabul airport, the storm Filomena and the eruption of the La Palma volcano.

Felipe VI highlighted the “determination and solidarity” of the military, “a faithful reflection of society”, and their vocation to serve “by surrendering to Spain” and the principles and values ​​contained in the Royal Ordinances and their constitutional commitments.