The Government has agreed with the Autonomous Communities a Declaration of co-ordinated actions in Public Health against COVID19 for educational centres during the 2020-2021 academic year.

In total, 29 measures and five recommendations for their application by the competent administrations are in place, being:

Priority will be given to younger students, at least up to second year of ESO.

The centres will be open throughout the year, ensuring their services to minors with special needs, or vulnerable families. The staff will reduce their presence in the centre to the essential.

A person responsible will be designated for everything related to COVID19. A interpersonal distance of at least 1.5 metres will be maintained.

In early childhood education and in the first cycle of primary school, students will be organised in groups with stable co-existence and the distance limitation will not be applied.

The mask will be mandatory from 6 years old. Hand hygiene will be performed frequently and meticulously. The cleaning of the centres will be intensified, especially in the bathrooms and areas of greater use.

The facilities will be ventilated frequently, at least for 10-15 minutes. In the dining rooms, it will be mandatory to maintain an interpersonal distance of at least 1.5 metres, except between students from the same group, with stable co-existence.

In school transport, the use of a mask will be mandatory, from 6 years old and recommended between three to five years.

The body temperature of all students and staff will be taken, prior to the start of the day.  If this is done in the educational centre, it must be carried out avoiding crowds.

People who have symptoms compatible with COVID19 will not go to the centre.

It has also presented to the Autonomous Communities a ‘Guide to action in the event of COVID19 cases in centres’.

It establishes actions, such as early isolation and referral to the health system for people with symptoms or quarantine for close contacts.

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James Green Storage
James Green Storage