The Kincavel Quaich

The Kincavel Quaich

Orba Warblers Golf Society – Wednesday 7th November, La Sella

An early start at La Sella, with a chill in the air on the first tee, but still some of the optimists were wearing shorts and they were proved to be right as it turned into a perfect day for golf which makes it all the more difficult to work out why the scores were so bad.

For the non-warblers who may read this a “quaich” is a small two handled drinking dish from Scotland and it was most appropriate that the winner today was our very own Scottish lass Rosemary Edwards with a score of 35 points and because it was their own sponsored event Bob and Rosemary rearranged the prizes so others could receive a prize. Second place went to Shaun O’Gorman with 33, third was David Knight with 30, fourth place was taken by John Daniels,fifth Mark Gaines, sixth Glynn Braidley, seventh Barbara Pollitt and eigth Peter Gibson.

There were nearest the pin prizes for Shaun O’Gorman, Bob Edwards and two for Dave Knight, the Warbler balls went to Bob Edwards and Glynn Braidley, the football card was won by Dave Knight as well and he generously donated it to charity.

The semi-final of the singles knock-out between Mark Gaines and Peter Gibson was played today and Mark finally overcame Peter on the last hole to move to a final confrontation with Steve Cliffe. We are extremely grateful to Bob and Rosemary Edwards for sponsoring today and presenting such a large array of prizes, a competition to remember.

Next week we will be at Oliva Nova on Wednesday the 21st November, where we will compete for the “Paul Kelleway Plate” the first tee is at 10.56 so you need to be there for 10.00. Guests are always welcome with a current handicap certificate. For more information or to book in contact Michael Taylor on 639242896 or “E” mail the Fixtures Secretary and the Vice Captain.