“Mucho por vivir” solidarity walk in Mojácar

“Mucho por vivir” solidarity walk in Mojácar

Around two hundred people joined the “Mucho por Vivir” solidarity walk last weekend in Mojácar which was organized by the Spanish Cancer Association AECC), the Local Mojácar AECC Branch and, Garrucha Volunteer Service, all in collaboration with Mojácar Council.

As an event to mark World Breast Cancer Day, the Plaza Nueva in Mojácar old town was the starting point, with the walkers then forming a descending pink wave in the significantly coloured tee shirts handed out by the organizers.  The Hotel Puntazo on the beach road was the destination, where they had a chance to catch their breath and take some well deserved refreshments.

People of all ages and many whole families joined in, even bringing along their pets in the fun procession, which this year saw a marked increase of British participants as well as those of other nationalities.

Mojácar Councillors, María Luisa Pérez, and Raquel Belmonte, took part with the townspeople, stressing the need to carry out vital advance checks to detect this terrible disease.  Raquel Belmonte added, “it is important that we all collaborate, especially against breast cancer that affects 27,000 women each year in Spain and is the most frequent form of the disease among women.”

This was the 8th year that “Mucho por Vivir” has been planned by the Mojácar Branch along with the local Council, with the aim of raising funds for the Spanish Association’s continued research and fight against cancer.

Year after year, this annual gathering touches the hearts of local people, with increased numbers of walkers as well as those willing to assist with the other activities that have the same purpose in mind.

Mojácar’s AECC Branch is one of 65 that the Spanish Association Against Cancer has in Almería Province and, always counting on the collaboration and support of Mojácar Council, it is already organizing its next event, “Un niño, mil ilusiones” that will be on December 8th in the Municipal Centro de Usos Múltiples.

At all events, the Organization emphatically emphasizes the importance, both for men and women, of regular medical checks to help prevention, as it is the most important weapon in the fight against cancer.