Claptons Golf Society – Bonalba Golf – 18th May 2018

Marabu Golf Society at Bonalba on 28th February 2019.
Marabu Golf Society at Bonalba on 28th February 2019.

Here we are for our first visit to Bonalba Golf this year.  Weather was fine and bright and the sun had already reared its head as we started off on a 10am tee.  Since we last came there have been improvements to the course which can only benefit all golfers.  The greens were in good condition and running fairly true but not always as true as everybody would like. 

We had one unfortunate instance where one of our players hit a duck with his golf ball as it strayed off the shank from the tee killing the poor bird instantly. 

We journeyed back to The Club in Quesada and our thanks for a splendid buffet to Ian and his team. 

The cards having been sorted the results are below:

Overall Winner:     Kevin Williams 32 points

Gold Winner:         Andy Trefry 30 points, Gold Runner Up: Brent Hollings 29 points

Silver Winner:       John Dodds 31 points, Silver Runner Up:  Ken Pugh 24 points

Best Guest:           Gordon Chapman 25 points

Best Front Nine:   Rick Drake 12 points on c/b, Best Back Nine: Edie Scott 15 points on c/b, 

Nearest the Pins: 4th Brent Hollings: 8th Dave Nicholls: 11th & 14th Gordon Chapman.

Twos: Gordon Chapman. Football Card: Gordon Chapman.

As you can see from the above our guest Gordon Chapman scooped all the prizes he could get so many congratulations.

Our next match is the 15th June at Font del Llop