Partido Popular criticise apathy of Torrevieja mayor

Partido Popular criticise apathy of Torrevieja mayor
Partido Popular criticise apathy of Torrevieja mayor

The Partido Popular have said how sad they are that a group of residents in Aguas Nuevas “felt the need to clean up the area in the face of the sad abandonment that they have suffered since José Manuel Dolón became the Mayor”.

According to the Party spokesman it is “very unfortunate that the residents in many different areas of the city are having to voluntarily clean their locality as a result of the apathy and inactivity of the City.”

Partido Popular criticise apathy of Torrevieja mayor
Partido Popular criticise apathy of Torrevieja mayor

A case was recently publicised in ​​Los Balcones of a German citizen who spent several hours a day collecting rubbish along a public road. “She didn’t understand how such a beautiful area could be so badly neglected,” he said. “This is the responsibility of the City Council for which we all pay a tax for a service that is completely unacceptable.”

He added that “the examples of civil pride and love for Torrevieja shown by these neighbourhood groups contrast with the unjustifiable performance of the misgoverning team led by José Manuel Dolón and supported by 6 municipal groups. “