The UK Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) continues to check that over-80s of any nationality who are drawing a state pension in Spain are still eligible. These checks are called ‘life certificates’ and they require the recipient to complete a form and have a witness sign it before returning it in the post.

This is a routine process, with certificates sent by DWP on a regular cycle to specific groups drawing a UK state pension.

To date, the number of life certificates returned to the DWP from Spain is lower than expected. The DWP have therefore extended the deadline to 31 July 2024 to give over-80s more time to complete the process.

It is extremely important that all British state pensioners over the age of 80 complete this process as soon as possible. Failure to do so could lead to the suspension of pension payments by DWP (although these would be reinstated if eligibility is subsequently proven).

For state pensioners over-80 that have already received their letter and returned their life certificate, no further action is required.

For state pensioners under-80, there is no action currently required but they will be receiving a letter towards the end of the year. We therefore recommend that all state pensioners check their address registered with DWP is correct if they have recently moved house. They can do so here: .

If any state pensioners over-80 have not received a letter or has changed their address without notifying DWP, they can request a new one at the following link: .