With the news that Orihuela’s Summer Schools are unlikely to get underway before August, already halfway through the holidays, the new councillor for education had hardly got off to an auspicious start.

Already full of excuses, and typically blaming the PSOE administration, Vicente Pina is firmly putting the guilt on the previous councillor for education who he says left the tender document ‘parked’. However, in office for just ten days he says that the file is now ‘underway’, and the technicians are evaluating the proposals.

He added that “if there are no problems, allegations or appeals, the summer schools can probably get underway during the month of August”.

PP spokesman, Cllr Víctor Valverde, has said that the 2022 summer school was the last one covered by the previous contract, and that it could no longer be extended for another year.  Where have we heard that before?

He added, “In March 2023, a contract to tender the summer schools for three years began. The normal procedure is four months, due to administrative deadlines, but that contract was abandoned.” However, “on 11 May a new file was for the 2023 summer school, the finalisation of which is three months”.