Mojácar Local Council has approved at an ordinary plenary session the viability study relating to the contract for the locality’s urban area street cleaning services, as well as the technical specifications that will regulate the tender for contracting this service.

The Mayor’s Office presented to the corporation plenary session for its approval a viability study produced by the Council Secretary, which reflects the applicable legislation and compliance, in accordance with the Law, under the Local Entities Organisation, Operation and Legal Regime regulations.

This report also included the viability from the economic-financial perspective, pointing out the quantitative and qualitative advantages that recommend the use of a services concession contract.

The technical specifications document establishes and defines the conditions that have to regulate the execution of the service activities and ordinary and extraordinary works in the urban area, which includes, among others, manual sweeping, mechanical sweeping, washing down, immediate action service, etc. It also contains the service planning and the provision of materials and machinery.

The contracting procedure for this service will be open, with ordinary processing. The estimated value of the contract amounts to169,841 euros and the duration of the execution has been set at five years.

In the contract holder profile Mojácar Council will publish the tender announcement and all the documentation making up the file, in particular the specifications of particular administrative clauses and the technical specifications.

On another item on the agenda, the request for a subsidy for the improvement of the “Las Pilas” lane was approved, the only one in the municipality that meets the conditions, based on the Junta de Andalucía’s Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Sustainable Development Regional Ministry’s Andalucía Rural Way Rural Roads Improvement Plan.