Following the controversial withdrawal of the subsidy to the Miguel Hernández Foundation last year by the VOX councillor for culture in Orihuela, Gonzalo Montoya, the government team has this week approved the granting of a direct nominative subsidy of 12,020 euro to the entity.

The mayor, Pepe Vegara, thus fulfils his promise to pay in 2024 the 6,000 euro of 2023 and the 6,000 euro of 2024, after a controversy that caused embarrassment nationally, and caused the first major crisis of PP and Vox in the town.

“The foundation’s aims and the activities to be carried out by the foundation justify the need to grant a subsidy to the aforementioned entity with the aim of contributing to the organisation, decision-making and presentation of the aforementioned prize for the promotion and dissemination of the life and work of the poet from Orihuela, as well as the international projection of his figure,” the City Council said in a statement.