Last Friday, Los Dolses school closed its outdoor area to host a traffic playground that was set up by the Department of Citizen Security and Education, an extension of the scheme that has been developed during the 2020/21 academic year in different schools across the municipality of Orihuela.

Approximately 1,400 schoolchildren from seven schools took part in the training that was provided by the traffic education department of the Orihuela Local Police.

Antonio Sánchez, Councilor for Citizen Security and Education, accompanied by José Aix, Deputy Mayor of Orihuela and José María Pomares, Chief Intendant of the Local Police, congratulated the instructors who have made the traffic playgrounds so successful, as they continue working toward providing the program across every school centre in the municipality.

The training given by the agents of the Local Police consisted of informative talks to schoolchildren about the behaviour of pedestrians, how to walk on the pavements and cross main roads safely and in the correct places Practice drills were then carried out in the children’s traffic park that was set up in the playground.