This week, a newspaper reported a story about a driver who had been fined multiple times for speeding on the N-332 on the Orihuela Costa, a story that was subsequently repeated by a number of other news and media publications and websites. The article raised a number of questions, which we will now clarify, but …
During December, a total of 213 drivers were brought before the courts across Valencia as alleged perpetrators of crimes against road safety: 61 for...
In 2019, inappropriate speed was present in 6,049 road accidents, 8% of the total. In addition, 298 of them had fatalities, which represents 23% of all accidents. These data show that driving too fast continues to cause many casualties on the road. The generic maximum speed limits are set out in article 48 of the …
The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has seen five of it’s speeding fines successfully challenged in court after their failure to apply the required...
All this week, there will be intensified surveillance on the roads of Spain which will concentrate on trying to combat one of the most deadly contributing factors to road safety, inappropriate speed. The campaign starts tomorrow, Monday, and runs through the week and weekend, culminating on Sunday evening, with every available traffic officer, supported by …