Criticism Over Torrevieja Town Hall Leaving Citizen Groups Without Funding


The Sueña Torrevieja group is criticising the municipal management of the Partido Popular (PP) government team, accusing them of neglecting citizen collaboration groups so much, that they have been left without funding they previously received.

According to the group, only 24,000 euro have been granted out of a total of 120,000 euro in two years, leaving more than 95,000 euro that should have gone to these groups left over.

In the BOP of April 7, 2022, the bases of the subsidies for citizen participation entities were published, annuity 2021.

Pablo Samper, spokesperson for Sueña Torrevieja, assures that “Decree 246 dated August 1, 2022, approves the citizen participation grants for the 2021 activities to four associations and denies the same to the other six associations that had requested it: La Asociación Faunatura, la Asociación benéfica Adenis, la Asociación Cinco continentes, la Asociación cultural Andaluza, la Sociedad Cultural Casino de Torrevieja and la Asociación Inmigración Asila”.

Samper states that “the subsidies granted in 2022 amount to a total of 15,848 euro, which together with the 8,582.1 euro of the previous year make a maximum total of 24,430 euro for the two years, with what will be left over in the Budget of 2021 extended for 2022 a total of 95,570 euro, 80% of the available amount.

In addition, the mayor of Torrevieja once again lacked the truth by stating in the last plenary session that during the previous government these subsidies were not convened for 3 years, and as everyone can verify in the data published on the website of the Council, in item 924 480 00, obligations were recognised between 2016 and 2019 for an amount of 48,745 euro.

“Again, one more example that the PP government, with its mayor Eduardo Dolón at the head, hide behind the marketing and the photo a total abandonment of the associative and participatory fabric of Torrevieja”, concludes Samper. A complaint similar to that held by the Los Verdes green group, who are also criticising Dolón for his constant photo opportunities, without taking action on the needs of the town.