What is a pedestrian? According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), a pedestrian is “a person on foot on a public road.” However, the DGT expands that definition and also considers pedestrians “those who push any other small non-motor vehicle or people with reduced mobility who circulate with a wheelchair (with or …
If you have lost your Spanish logbook, or if it has become damaged beyond use, you can now apply for a replacement online using your electronic ID, digital signature or Cl@ve. The logbook, or permiso de circulación, and the ITV card, are both mandatory documents which must be carried in the vehicle in Spain. There …
With many people about to set off on a road trip taking them back to their homeland for the festive season, it is important to remember that during a long journey the weather conditions can change dramatically, and although it may be sunny and pleasant when you set off, all too quickly the scene can …
Wind is quite literally a force of nature that can provide welcome cooling on a hot summer´s day, generate electricity, and provide power to boats, amongst many other benefits, but it can also play havoc when driving. According to the DGT, there are three main situations we should be aware of when it comes to …
Wind is quite literally a force of nature that can provide welcome cooling on a hot summer´s day, generate electricity, and provide power to boats, amongst many other benefits, but it can also play havoc when driving. According to the DGT, there are three main situations we should be aware of when it comes to …