
EHCC reach fundraising target for boundary wall 

Generous supporters from around the world have donated €20,000 to rebuild and extend Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre’s crumbling perimeter wall to secure and...

Mediterranean waste washes up a live turtle

Tourists went to the rescue of a turtle in Thursday that had been trapped in a collection of marine litter. It was wrapped up in...

Woman arrested after Mar Azul arson attacks

A 64-year-old woman has been detained and charged with setting five of the eleven fires that destroyed vehicles parked on a public road in...

Why it all went wrong in Barcelona

The day after the lethal truck attack at the Berlin Christmas market in December 2016 the Spanish National Police (based in Madrid) instructed all...

Local Muslims calling for peace

The Islamic community in Dolores united with members of the Town Council on Tuesday to show their repulsion at the recent attacks in Catalonia...


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