- Crescendo International Choir Gives Two Free Concerts, Raising over 450 Euros for Local Community
Crescendo International Choir performed a free concert Saturday night, June 4, at La Siesta Evangelical Church in Torrevieja that ended with the audience giving the choir a standing ovation. More than 290 euros was raised by concert attendees, with all donations given to La Siesta Church representatives to support church needs.
Crescendo Choir also performed an evening concert Saturday, May 28 at Iglesia Parroquia Nuestra Senora del Pilar in Los Montesinos, raising about 160 euros to help people in that community. If your organization would like to raise money for a worthy cause, please see the contact page on the Crescendo choir website at crescendo-choir.com to get in touch with Mary Mitchell, the President of Crescendo.
Along with the Royal British Legion, Crescendo Choir plans to participate in the Armed Forces Day Service Saturday, June 25 at 3 pm at the Catholic Church Parroquia Immaculada Concepcion, Torrevieja. Some of the hymns to be sung that day include For Those in Peril on the Sea, Onward Christian Soldiers and God Is Our Strength and Refuge. The Choir will perform Mansions of the Lord.

If interested in joining Crescendo, see the Crescendo website at crescendo-choir.com. The choir is especially seeking men to join. The choir includes sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.
The group sings a wide variety of songs ranging from musicals to spirituals, from pop to classical, in English and Spanish. Choir rehearsals will start up again on September 5. Rehearsals will take place at Rincon de Miguel Restaurant in Los Montesinos Mondays between 17:45 to 20:00. All singers are welcome!
Crescendo lives up to its name of International because it include many nationalities among its expat members along with a Spanish Musical Director, Irene Oliva, and Spanish pianist Cristian Martinez.