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Tag: Homes

35 People Arrested in Drugs Operation

Two organisations dedicated to the sale of drugs that operated in the provinces of Alicante, Murcia, and Valencia have been dismantled by the Guardia Civil. Searches were carried out in properties in Torrevieja, Bigastro, Callosa de Segura, Orihuela, San Miguel de Salinas, and Beniel, resulting in 35 people having been arrested. The operation, called “Primoto”, …

This Is Torrevieja - Torrevieja news and events

Torrevieja Property Fraudsters in Court

The trial has begun against two estate agents who are accused of fraud whilst selling property in Torrevieja. The Prosecutor provisionally asked for three years in prison for a crime of fraud for the pair accused of deceiving a couple in the purchase of two homes in Torrevieja. In July 2018, the victims decided to …

The post Torrevieja Property Fraudsters in Court first appeared on This Is Torrevieja - Torrevieja news and events.

Brits Amongst 19 Arrestees in Torrevieja Cannabis Clampdown

Seven cannabis associations in Torrevieja have been dismantled by the Guardia Civil in an operation in which 19 people between the ages of 25 and 69 of eight nationalities have been arrested and nearly of ten kilograms of marijuana, prohibited weapons and more than 10,000 euro seized. Operation ‘Libro Registro’ included ten searches in premises …

The post Brits Amongst 19 Arrestees in Torrevieja Cannabis Clampdown first appeared on This Is Torrevieja - News and events from Torrevieja.


Emergency Failure: 112 System Collapse Leaves Murcia Vulnerable During Storms

The opposition parties PSOE, Vox, and Podemos have demanded...

Valencian Government Launches Inspection Plan for 885 Flood-Affected Basements

The Generalitat Valenciana has initiated a comprehensive inspection plan...

Smiling Jack’s Golf Society – A Lucky Escape from the Rain!

Despite a gloomy forecast and a week of heavy...

Strong Winds Challenge Inbetweeners at Bonalba

The Inbetweeners Golf Society held their away game at...