The time to get a remote fine isn't standardised; it depends on the issuing authority. Minor fines expire after three months, serious after six. You must address a notification even if not received, by appealing or paying, as ignoring it won't prevent penalty enforcement. Notifications are done via post, digital platforms, or officially published if undeliverable.
In the run up to Christmas, when a large number of gatherings are held with family and friends in which alcohol is usually present, it is important to remember that, while driving, the only safe rate is 0.0%. That is why the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT), as part of a Europe-wide campaign, will focus …
In the last of this summer driving dos and don’ts for this year, we have to touch on another common occurrence regarding clothing, having spoke about flip flops last week, and whereas we are generally speaking about men, it doesn’t exclude women, the matter of driving topless. Again, as we explained last week regarding flip …
You may have read or heard in some English language medias that the DGT are clamping down on those who throw cigarettes from their vehicles. This is an ongoing problem, and causes a lot of potentially deadly consequences, and so it is something which can result in a fine. The same applies for throwing anything …
We couldn’t get through a series about summer driving dos and don’ts without mention a topic that always rears its ugly head around this time of year, the question of whether you are allowed to drive in flip flops! To answer this question clearly, let us say should you drive in flip flops? And answer, …