
Benidorm Hotels to close within three days

Hosbec recommends closing all hotels and apartments within three days Holidaymakers, many of them elderly and in groups that are at risk, could...

Mojácar’s Dames in Spain reach their 35th year Working for the Community

Mojácar’s past week of events to mark International Women's Day included the annual local Dames in Spain lunch, which highlighted the important role that...

You Can’t Be Serious – Putting panic into Prowlers…

Listen up folks for another bit of sound advice, courtesy of this column. We are all better at giving advice than taking it –...

The Leader Newspaper Edition 807

News is centred around the Coronavirus outbreak as you would expect with Government information on pages 1 and 2 followed on page 3 by...

Spain closed by Royal decree

Spain, closed by decree to prevent the collapse of the health system The National Council of Ministers approved, for the second time in 40...


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