Work starts on school number 20 in Orihuela Costa

Work starts on school number 20 in Orihuela Costa
Work starts on school number 20 in Orihuela Costa

The Orihuela Council announced that the company contracted more than a year ago by the Ministry of Education had begun the assembly of the prefabricated classrooms that will make up the new school number 20, the third in Orihuela Costa.

The schools in Los Dolses and Playas de Orihuela are hoping that it will be operational in the new year.

The situation of saturation and overcrowding in their classrooms is such that the provisional solution of enrolling newly arrived children in educational centres in Pilar de la Horadada that currently have some spare capacity, is already being considered, according to various teaching sources.

This would be a stopgap while the works to adapt the municipal plot on Calle Níspero are being carried out.

The Calle Nispero site is the same location where the children of the Playas de Orihuela school spent many years in temporary accommodation that was dismantled when the ‘brick built’ CEIP Playas De Orihuela was constructed.

There, the protest campaign by teachers and families continues with the aim of putting pressure on the construction of a third brick school for the coast. Just last week the council announced in an extraordinary plenary session called by the opposition that this permanent school will be installed in the La Cuerda housing estate, on Calle Limonero, although the land to be offered is still to be approved by the Generalitat.

The new school will relieve the congestion of the other two centres on the Orihuela coast. Los Dolses has been complaining for several years that many of its students are being taught in converted teachers’ classrooms, corridors or libraries.

Meanwhile, the ratios are soaring to the detriment of the multitude of students who arrive in Orihuela Costa on almost a daily basis.

Work starts on school number 20 in Orihuela Costa
Work starts on school number 20 in Orihuela Costa