Torrevieja ‘hippie’ booths moved due to the port improvements.


The view from the city centre towards the port already looks very different. The intention of the works of the new leisure centre was that there would no longer be a physical barrier between the town centre and the dock, which is now beginning to become a reality.

At the end of last week, cranes appeared to move the ‘hippies’ booths that were in front of the Customs office (about twenty) to relocate them behind the booths of the rest of their colleagues.

The work was carried out by Orthem (Hozono Global Group), costing half a million euros with the move of the booths proving particularly delicate.

They date back to 2013 and their use and exposure to humidity and heat have already taken their toll. The plan is to replace the booths with more modern ones for the final redevelopment works, which is valued at 10 million euros.