What an amazing day here in Gran Alacant a huge turnout of over 200 people joined in our service of Remembrance. We laid five wreaths to show the diversity of our branch.
Our own Branch Wreath to the fallen.
A wreath laid by our local Sikh community to honour those who died defending freedom.
A wreath honouring the armed forces of Ukraine.
A wreath to honour the service of The LGBGT community who served and laid down their lives to defend our nations freedom for the first time outside the UK.
And lastly a wreath to honour the armed forces of Poland who laid down their lives for freedom.
There was a reading from our Joan Kane, wife of the Branch Chairman.
Entertainment from Gran Alacant Singers singing a selection of war time songs and a buffet provided for everyone.
The branch also raised 1100 euro for the poppy appeal through sales of our poppy craft items, a raffle and an auction.