Show of strength by Local Police and Emergency Staff


I just hope there were no security incidents on the Orihuela Costa on Tuesday morning as police and emergency staff vacated the streets and beaches to put on a show of strength on Playa Flamenca Promenade that, despite the mayor’s statement about the safety of residents and visitors, frankly, left no one really impressed.

The expense and disruption to local services achieved absolutely nothing, other than perhaps presenting a window to local villains, during which they had the opportunity to fill their ‘bags of swag’ on the costa with some impunity.

Nevertheless, the security services, over 50 policemen and women, the Chief of Police, lifeguards, the mayor and his councillors, were all on parade, along with their motorcycles, patrol cars, jet skis and drones, all “at the service of the public”.

The new councillor for the coast, Manuel Mestre, said that the security unit is “an important use of human and material resources, some of them very sophisticated, which will ensure security during the summer months”. He said that he wanted “everyone to have a pleasant summer and that we do not have security problems”, although he pointed out that “if we do, I hope that everything is resolved quickly and with the best results”.