Garden Felix – Golden shrimp, golden candle/lollipop plant


Pachystachys lutea – golden shrimp, golden candle or lollipop plant – is an evergreen shrub, popular as a landscape plant.

Growing up to 6ft x 3ft in a border, in a container they will be much shorter.

The branching, woody stems are covered with simple, dark green leaves creating a stunning contrast with bright flower lance-shaped spikes.

The overlapping bright yellow flower spikes give this plant its common name, as they resemble the shape of a shrimp or candle.

In warm climates it will bloom throughout the year; in temperate climates it is more seasonal, with blooming primarily in summer.

Easily grown in rich, moist soil in full sun it needs to be kept evenly moist, when in bloom.

It cannot tolerate cold temperatures and will drop all leaves if air temperatures fall below 60ºF.

If unpruned, the plants will get leggy and top heavy, so prune heavily to maintain its shape and size.

Fertilise regularly to maintain good blooming. Dead-heading will encourage a bushy plant and more blooms, pinching growing tips will encourage a fuller plant.

Easily propagated from softwood and semi-ripened stem cuttings, taken in early summer.

It has few pests, but susceptible to aphids, mealybugs, scales, spider mites and whiteflies.