Los Alcázares Council Requests Anti-Jellyfish Nets are Not Installed This Summer


Los Alcázares town hall has decided that this coming summer it will request the General Directorate of the Mar Menor do not place anti-jellyfish nets, thus following the instructions of experts who warn of the “dam effect” that they cause in the algae, which clog the transom and prevent the water from circulating, facilitating the appearance of mud.

This was conveyed to the different administrations at the meeting of technicians of the Inter-administrative Forum of the Mar Menor.

“As stated by members of the Scientific Committee, experts and various social platforms in defence of the Mar Menor, the current function of these networks is solely aesthetic and they cause a dam effect in the Mar Menor by curbing the currents that improve the quality of the beaches. and, therefore, they generate a serious problem of sludge in the sea”, explains the Councillor for the Environment of Los Alcázares, Antonio López Campoy.

López Campoy added that “what we do consider necessary is the marking of the bathing area, in order to guarantee the safety of all bathers.”

For his part, the Mayor of Los Alcázares, Mario Pérez Cervera, declared that “the funds that the Autonomous Community allocates to the installation of these anti-jellyfish nets that damage our lagoon should be used for other more urgent and necessary purposes for the protection of the Mar Menor, such as the incorporation of more biomass removal crews”.

It should be noted that the town hall continues to carry out measures for the regeneration and recovery of the lagoon.

In this sense, to the defence of the Popular Legislative Initiative to provide legal personality to the Mar Menor and the pilot test for the removal of mud carried out a few months ago; Added to this is the campaign launched this week to remove anchors that ships traditionally use to anchor illegally, in order to prevent the creation of caulerpa and stop their progress on the different beaches.

In addition, and this has been verified, the swaying of the chains together with the uncontrolled anchoring of the boat are associated with many other problems, such as the uncontrolled dumping of waste or the poor management of wastewater from boats, among others.

This action, which is outside the powers of the town hall, has the relevant authorisation from the Coastal Demarcation, and is being carried out through manual and mechanical means such as a zodiac-boat, divers and inflatable elements to raise to the surface these illegal anchors.