Summer School Registration Open

Registration is now open for Torrevieja´s summer school with 300 places available in July and 163 in August, but if you want to sign your kids up you´d better hurry as the registration period closes next week.

The councillor for Social Welfare, Fabiana Ibarra, announced the opening of the registration period for Summer School 2019, explaining that the deadline is 31 May.

The activities themselves will commence on 1 July and registration can be done now though and should be carried out through the PROP office in the town.

Registration is open to all children who, during the 2018-2019 academic year, have been enrolled in Pre-school or Primary Education, who are registered in Torrevieja or whose parents or legal guardians are registered in the municipality.

Pricing depends on whether the family is entitles to a subsidy, and whether the child requires dining services, and can be broken down into a fortnight of monthly subscription, with 100% subsidy available in some cases.

Ibarra explained that “the participants will enjoy a vacation where educational aspects prevail, developed in a natural and relaxed environment that prioritises the creativity and spontaneity of the children”.

Any information related to summer schools can be obtained through the Department of Social Welfare, located in Calle Torrevejenses Ausentes, number 39, or by telephoning 96 670 66 66.