The District North Recruiting and Retention Award is presented annually to The Royal British Legion Branch with the most improved membership over the previous three years. At the Conference in January, the Award for 2016 was presented to Torrevieja Branch by the National Chairman, Terry Whittles.
Gerry Lynch, Chairman of the Branch said he was thrilled to have received this Award, which came as a complete surprise and would be a great boost to the Branch. He paid tribute to his hardworking Committee and the very supportive members. Our events are always well attended and we regularly welcome new members to the Branch. We are a ‘happy’ Branch and have been established in Torrevieja for 26 years, being the very first Branch in District North.
Peggy Wyatt, Principal District Recruiting Officer, said she was delighted that Torrevieja Branch had been recognised. It is testament to all the hard work undertaken over the years. They are a friendly Branch and this has borne fruit when it comes to recruiting. They have also taken great steps to retain their members, some of whom holiday in the area.
The Branch meets on the 2nd Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, La Siesta, Torrevieja 6.30 for 7pm. For further information please contact : the Membership Secretary, Pauline Grindlay on 966 704146 or email: rbl3456membership@gmail.com.