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Tag: San Miguel

Residents demand work stops on San Miguel Funeral Home

Residents affected by the establishment of the Chapel of Rest in la calle San Narciso, close to the centre of San Miguel, described as...

Racing San Miguel physio-coach Eneko Karate World Champion

By Andrew Atkinson Racing San Miguel Valencia 1st Regional physio and Prebenjamín coach, Eneko Delgado has been crowned the Karate World Champion. Eneko won the title...

Environmental Boost for Municipalities

The Alicante provincial government has launched a half-a-million-euro funding package to help municipalities turn back the tide of global warming. Respect, care and protection of the environment is the message being prioritised by the Diputación and are calling on local councils to use the funding for investing in green areas around the municipalities. The Committee …

Environmental Boost for Municipalities

The Alicante provincial government has launched a half-a-million-euro funding package to help municipalities turn back the tide of global warming. Respect, care and protection of the environment is the message being prioritised by the Diputación and are calling on local councils to use the funding for investing in green areas around the municipalities. The Committee …

Environmental Boost for Municipalities

The Alicante provincial government has launched a half-a-million-euro funding package to help municipalities turn back the tide of global warming. Respect, care and protection of the environment is the message being prioritised by the Diputación and are calling on local councils to use the funding for investing in green areas around the municipalities. The Committee …


Emergency Failure: 112 System Collapse Leaves Murcia Vulnerable During Storms

The opposition parties PSOE, Vox, and Podemos have demanded...

Valencian Government Launches Inspection Plan for 885 Flood-Affected Basements

The Generalitat Valenciana has initiated a comprehensive inspection plan...

Smiling Jack’s Golf Society – A Lucky Escape from the Rain!

Despite a gloomy forecast and a week of heavy...

Strong Winds Challenge Inbetweeners at Bonalba

The Inbetweeners Golf Society held their away game at...