Percy Chattey


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Embarrassment: Quick grab a towel

Travelling around to various destinations, and for a variety of reasons, memories are made, and from time to time they come flashing back, sometimes...

Crimewatch: Three stabbings a day

I wonder how many people remember the time when the BBC was responsible, well as reliable as any rolling news channel can be. In...

‘If’ a big little word

‘If’! The pandemic had not happened, for certain billions of pounds would not have been burnt in fighting it. Would Boris Johnson still be...

Hello hello! – the thin blue line

The inadequacy of the British Police Force Ilford, East London: A story to contradict the headline, we were lucky in the early part of our marriage...

To be Lucky…

To be Lucky - The force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as a result of...