Some polls published in the press you can take with a pinch of salt, but the latest, commissioned for TV’s Channel 4 is extremely worrying
Some polls published in the press you can take with a pinch of salt, but the latest, commissioned for TV’s Channel 4 is extremely worrying

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Some polls published in the press you can take with a pinch of salt, but the latest, commissioned for TV’s Channel 4 is extremely worrying, to say the least.

The survey questioned those from generation Z – aged between 13 and 27 – and more than half believe Britain should be ruled by a dictator and one in three want the army in charge!

52 per cent said they thought “the UK would be a better place if a strong leader was in charge who does not have to bother with parliament and elections”.

I find it incredible that so many teenagers and 20-somethings are now so poorly educated that they would think in such a way.

Have they not been taught at school what happened when Germany went down the same road and created a dictator, and currently in Belarus where the president has such a stranglehold on the country that he has anyone who opposes him jailed.

I think the result of this poll has a lot more to do with the current political set up in Britain, where the country just swings from left to right, Labour to Tory and back again, and spends years in endless inquiries on this that and the other subject and seldom, if ever, acts on the findings, or decisions take years to be enacted.

Perhaps they have seen what has happened in America, where it seems they now have, to all intents and purposes, a dictator in the shape of Donald Trump. He may be far from everyone’s cup of tea, but at least he actually gets things done.

I must applaud him for what he recently did over Columbia, South America, in deciding to have two plane loads of illegal immigrants flown back.

The Columbian president refused to allow the military planes to land, until Trump told him he would impose Draconian sanctions on the country. Within hours the illegals had landed – and Columbia agreed to accept many more plane loads.

Within hours of taking over as president he had closed the border into the US, sending Mexicans and South Americans packing.

It’s that kind of decisive action which is needed in Britain. Politicians should put an end to pussy footing around and get on with what the vast majority of the public have been demanding for years – the deportation of any illegal setting foot in Britain.

Another survey has shown that incredibly, one in every 12 people in London is an illegal immigrant! This is an absolute scandal and should never have been allowed to happen. It has made Britain look like a sick joke, totally incapable of controlling its borders. The result is a country becoming increasingly incapable of housing everyone in decent surroundings, putting impossible demands on the health service, schools, and perhaps most importantly, social care.

It has created a totally fractured society and politicians, instead of addressing the root problem, enacted race hate laws which now means that people cannot speak their own minds without being branded a racist.

It’s not being racist for expressing a view that while Britain wants and would welcome educated immigrants who can contribute to the wellbeing of society, it does not want masses of uneducated economic migrants who are fully prepared to grab anything they can get from Britain while contributing nothing.

In fact, they are not only contributing nothing of value, those on the loose are seriously harming Britain by fuelling crime, and others are costing a fortune in keeping them for months on end in the country.

So yes, teenagers and 20 somethings, I understand your frustrations and a wish for positive action at long last.

But to have as the 52% would like to have a “strong leader in charge who does not have to bother with parliament and elections” is just crazy and a road to disaster.

All I can say to them on that is to read history books and stop believing everything they see and hear on social media.

The survey also suggested 47% of these youngsters who are obviously still very wet behind the ears, think “the entire way our society is organised must be radically changed through revolution”.

And Sir Keir Starmer wants to give the vote to kids aged 16 and above. Think again Keir – until they are far better educated than is obviously the case now!


Trump, in the first week of taking office, ordered a 3-month pause in foreign aid (apart from food and humanitarian assistance) for a re-think. Good for him.

It’s time for Britain to do the same. We give 352m pounds to Afghanistan where the Taliban is imposing dreadful restrictions on every girl and woman. It gives aid to Nigeria, a country with massive oil reserves and also massive corruption and also to Pakistan, which has imported to Britain countless sex mad sub-humans who have been preying for years on young, defenceless white schoolgirls.

We still give masses of aid to African countries – something we have done for many generations. It’s my view that all the time a country receives handouts it will not learn to stand on its feet and feed, clothe and house its population. It’s time for it to end and for Britain to do what America is now doing.

However, I do cross swords with Trump over any relaxation of help to Ukraine. I hope Trump takes Putin on and spits him out.


Russia’s antics around Britain and in waters around Europe, surveying undersea cables and in some cases damaging them, is extremely worrying.

Good for Sweden seizing a ship suspected of damaging a data cable running under the Baltic Sea.

Instead of simply playing cat and mouse with ships suspected of causing damage and spying on Britain, the Navy should seize such vessels and permanently impound them. I have no doubt Trump wouldn’t stand for it and nor should we.


Do you find TV adverts boring and annoying in the extreme? I certainly do. Every day we are forced to watch those dreadful adverts showing animals – bears, tigers, monkeys, and others in captivity being kept in cages for years for pictures to be taken by tourists.

The advert is from a charity seeking money to rescue the animals. Wouldn’t it be better to name the offending countries and ask tourists to boycott them and put pressure on their governments? That way the cruelty would end far quicker.

And I take considerable exception to more and more charities trying to raise money by organising lotteries and also gaming companies sponsoring TV shows. The Chase comes to mind with the stupid bingo nonsense.

The government is increasingly concerned about addictive gambling and people being drawn into more and more, increasingly ruining lives. Here’s some decisive instant action – ban it and on-line gambling too.

And as for seeing that poor baby with flies around his eyes and a charity banging on about eye disease. Pure example of adults not fit to have children. And please stop showing an advert with a woman saying she is allowing all her pee out. Do we want to have that at breakfast time? Take these b****y adverts off air permanently.


When I heard the appalling revelations from the recent Crown Court hearing of the killing of three defenceless girls in Southport by a crazed son of African immigrants it sickened me.

Now the UK’s most senior police officer has warned that thousands of young men in the UK are obsessed with violence.

Metropolitan Police Chief Constable Sir Mark Rowley said many are lost in their bedrooms “grazing” on an online diet of school shootings, beheadings and terrorist propaganda.

It is little wonder that increasingly “normal” teenagers are frightened to be outside without having a knife as protection.

I hope that the government’s inquiry into the Southport killings will take a long hard look at what has gone wrong in society in the UK.

It should look seriously at the impact of immigration, on the availability of totally appalling on-line content, on the ease at which teenagers can buy knives on line and the levels of violence on TV. It seems that we can’t see a trailer for any forthcoming TV film without seeing scenes of violence.-line violence?

It should also look at the apparent breakdown of family life in the UK. What on earth were the parents doing all the time their offspring was watching the most dreadful on-line violence. It’s no wonder that they have had to go into hiding. They have a lot to answer for. Their son’s picture has become the testimony of what has gone wrong with immigration into Britain.

Most importantly, we need to have punishments that deter crime. I believe in corporal and capital punishments for the worst crimes, such as murder, rape and terrorism and I am sure that public hangings and birching would drastically cut crime in the UK, reducing the need (and cost) of all the prisons in the UK – money which could be spent so much better, helping the NHS perhaps.

I note that two Reform MPs are now calling for the restoration of the death penalty for the most extreme cases. Perhaps five years of a Reform government might do a Trump and sort some problems out – without causing more!!

Image Source: Pexels

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