Another Fun Packed Gathering of Shipmates


The 51 participants at the recent monthly Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch (RNATB) Meeting in May, which included 2 new joiners and 2 guests, all congratulated four New Members while they had their photo taken with the RNATB Chairman and received their Membership Card and Badge; and can now proudly call themselves RNATB Shipmates (S/M’s).

The four new Shipmates were, John Donaldson, Ex Royal Marine, his partner Cherylle Murry and Poline & Graham Humphrey, who were both civilians and were part of the National Theatre; which demonstrates the diversity and inclusiveness for like-minded people who share the Ethos of the RNATB of Unity, Loyalty, Patriotism and Comradeship and strive to uphold the core values centred on the seven components (Seven Cs) of Comradeship which are, Companionship, Community, Connection, Compassion, Care, Commemoration and Celebration, and seek to maintain the naval ethos and enjoy sharing experiences and having fun at both formal and social events with like-minded people while supporting each other in times of need.

The S/M’s also gave a round of applause when S/M Joan Ward received her Independent Auditors Badge from the Chairman.

The meeting also included an update on all the up-and-coming social events and another amusing and educational recital from S/M Graham Shelton, who has the affectionate title of ‘Schoolie’, and endeavours to unravel the complexity and almost nonsensical unique language of the Royal Navy Sailors that has built up over centuries and is known as “Jack Speak”.

The title of his rendition this month was ‘Women at Sea’ and charted some of the changes on military ships from under sail in Admiral Lord Nelsons time to present day. Which was coincidentally very apt as it followed one of the branches newer members, S/M Amanda Clancy, who served in the Royal Navy as a Petty Officer (PO) and gave a light-hearted summary of her ‘time served in the mob’ [Jack speak for career in the RN] and some of the changes that she experienced.

The meeting included the usual ‘Tot Time’, where the branch funds the RN sailors traditional measure of Rum (some choose a less potent form of alcohol) to toast important occasions or historic events that are to occur for the month ahead, and importantly of course that of ‘happy birthday’ to all the S/M’s for the month.

The meeting ended on the usual high note of the Raffle, which had some thirty prizes and left the S/M’s high with anticipation for the gathering in June.

RNATB Press Release Officer (PRO), Tony Jenkins


The Royal Naval Association (RNA) has a ‘Free Membership’ and is a UK Registered Charity 266982.

Although primarily founded for serving and retired Royal Naval personnel with the moto ‘Once Navy Always Navy’, it also welcomes all serving or retired military Veterans and civilians alike.

The local overseas branch in Torrevieja (RNATB) has a diverse mix of members, who are a friendly and engaging group of people who embrace their ethos of Comradeship, Loyalty, Patriotism & Unity while enjoying a verity of social events.

Why not join us?

The RNATB Meets Formally throughout the year on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 1700. Currently this is at the Lakeview Bar & Restaurant, Calle Toledo 16, Ciudad Quesada 03170, Alicante.

Or contact:

The Chairman, Tony Jenkins. Email Mob: +34693866709 or What’s App +4470576117222.

The Treasurer, Carl Louden. Email Mob/What’s App +34678518202.

The Secretary, Steve Hemingfield. Email Mob/What’s App +34 711011372.
