People are unhealthier than ever. Young and old live stagnant lifestyles, working jobs and studying without ever having to leave the comfort of their chairs. Additionally, more people are addicted to drugs and alcohol than they ever have been at any other point in world history.
These things are easily available, meaning almost everybody knows somebody with addiction issues. In addition to drugs and alcohol, junk food consumption is highly prevalent. Most houses have at least some form of junk food in their cupboards.
This post plans to explore this topic in more detail, explaining how young people can improve their health with nature-based remedies:
Getting Out and Hiking
Hiking is an activity that can do wonders for people’s health. Unfortunately, a lot of people are unaware of this. Many consider individuals who go hiking to be ‘health freaks’ today. Most think that hiking is excessive and unnecessary. The reason for this is that more people are living in large cities than ever before and the average person considers scrolling social media a more rewarding activity than getting out in the woods and exploring nature.
Countless guides illustrate how beneficial hiking can be for health. Evidence from Trails Carolina suggests that 98.9% of participants involved in a study assessing the benefits of hiking and being outdoors for those with mental health issues reported that their mental health continued to improve 12 months after their involvement in the study ceased.
Getting out and hiking can improve mental and physical health, making it an ideal activity for young people who are suffering from health problems or who just want to clear their heads.
If you are interested in going hiking, you do need to make sure that you exercise a little bit of caution and that you take some time to familiarize yourself with the routes that you are going to be hiking on. In some parts of the United States, dangerous wild animals are often found on public hiking routes, such as mountain lions, for example.
If you do not take time to educate yourself about the trails you are hiking, you won’t know what threats there are (and you won’t know how you can avoid them). You should be able to find out what animals prowl the trails in your area by reading posts on guide sites such as the one quoted in the previous paragraph.
Eating An Organic Diet
A diet rich in organic produce is one that will significantly improve the quality of your life. Lots of people underestimate the benefits of organic diets. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of an organic diet, it is a diet that consists of nothing but organic food. Organic food is food that is grown without the use of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers.
Organic food is undoubtedly more expensive than produce grown or cultivated with synthetic fertilizers, however, it is also more nutritious and can be a lot better for health over a long period of time.
If you are interested in eating an organic diet, you will be pleased to know that there are subscription box services that you can work with. These services will send organic produce to your door each week, allowing you to save money. The reason these services can save you money is that you will not have to pay to put fuel in your car so you can go and pick up groceries several times a week.
Many subscription services also give people discounts if they are students, which is ideal for young people.
Exercising Regularly
Finally, if you are young and want to improve your health, get outdoors and exercise. There are lots of ways for you to improve your health, from hiking to kayaking. Kayaking is definitely an activity that is worth considering if you are young because it can be very exhilarating and is ideal for people with adventurous personalities, which many young people have.
If you do plan to go kayaking, make sure that you first learn how to swim, then take classes so that you are able to hold your own on the water.
There are other sports and outdoor activities you can do too, like rock climbing. Rock climbing is an exciting activity that is ideal for people who want to improve physical strength. Rock climbing can be extremely dangerous though, which is why you definitely need to take indoor classes before attempting to scale a cliff on your own. You also need to make sure that you have good equipment.
If the equipment you are using is not very good, it could end up breaking, which could lead to you seriously injuring or killing yourself.
Young people need to put their phones down and get outdoors. More young people are suffering from physical and mental health issues than ever before, and this has a lot to do with their sedentary lifestyles. If you are young and don’t do much, now’s the time to make a change, which you can do by incorporating the advice given here into your daily life.
Main Image: Unsplash