The Ambulance of Desire Foundation arranged for Agustina to fulfil her dream of visiting La Manga del Mar Menor, having spent lengthy spells hospitalised.

Agustina, who spends long periods in the Santa María del Rosell University Hospital in Cartagena, requested to visit the Mediterranean sea in Murcia.

Volunteers and the hospital’s health personnel took Agustina to visit La Manga del Mar Menor for a day, accompanied by her family.

“This desire has taught us the beauty of the little things in life, like laughing, feeling the sea, having an ice cream with the family and above all that, sometimes, what for some is something everyday, for others sometimes seems something impossible”, said a spokesperson from the Ambulance of Desire Foundation.

In March the Desire Ambulance Foundation also fulfilled the wish of a 15-year-old boy from Caravaca de la Cruz, who suffers from a disease.

The teenager requested to visit his family in the Almeria town of Níjar, but he needed medical help to carry out the trip.

The Ambulance of Desire undertook the wish to make it possible, with the boy accompanied by his mother to visit the Níjar countryside.

Later he met up with his cousins ​​and grandfather, spending valuable time enjoying their company.