Mojácar Local Police double their patrols

Mojácar Local Police double their patrols
Mojácar Local Police double their patrols

Mojácar’s Local Police Force is working hard throughout every day of the week with its 23 officers, who are readjusting their shifts in order to double their patrols during the state of alert.

Mojácar security is watched over by two patrols, with additional controls on access routes to Mojácar at weekends in order to stop the movement of people to their second homes. The fine for this offence could amount to six hundred Euros and, an obligatory return to their main residence.

The Police have four cars and motorbikes at their disposal to circle around the town, checking that the Government’s state of alert rules are being followed and, particularly ensuring that any movement of residents within the town is absolutely essential.

The strong advice that they want to send to everyone is to stay at home to prevent any possible spread of the coronavirus. So far, they have had to make 35 denuncias, two of them to repeat offenders who, could face arrest if they disobey the orders again.

The Local Police effort and dedication is much appreciated by the residents of the town, who recognize their good work throughout the year and, especially now in these difficult times.

The Directorate General of Traffic recently delegated traffic and road safety duties to Mojácar’s Local Police after intensive training. The Force has also been awarded the Menina Prize for the fight against gender violence and, is the only municipality in Andalucía carrying out their particular victim protection project.  In addition to these skills and their usual routine work, they have also been of great assistance in combating school truancy.

In recognition of this work, a spontaneous tribute was held in front of the Mojácar Playa Medical Centre, with its staff along with members of the Local Police, to show the appreciation for these professionals and all workers who cannot remain at home because they must care for the health and well-being of the people in the town.