Popular Children’s Concert ‘CantaMúsicos’ comes to the Boulevard

Popular Children's Concert 'CantaMúsicos' comes to the Boulevard
Popular Children's Concert 'CantaMúsicos' comes to the Boulevard

CantaMúsicos is a children’s concert that plays across the whole country and which can regularly be seen on Spanish television.

Related: What’s On at the La Zenia Boulevard in January 2020

On Saturday 4 January the show will arrive at Zenia Boulevard where it will be performed absolutely free of charge and where it will feature many of its favourite songs and its characters, with a great staging and many new themes.

As part of it’s 2020 tour, and celebrating it’s 10th year, this popular family show will start at 6pm but there is sure to be a large crowd so the organisers are recommending that you get to the Boulevard early so that you can secure yourself a good vantage point.