Freemasons Christmas shoe box drive

Freemasons Christmas shoe box drive
Freemasons Christmas shoe box drive

Recently local Freemason Freddie Samrai, and his wife Carol, organized a “CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX DRIVE” for the under privileged children of Torrevieja. With much support, from other Lodges over one hundred and seventy boxes have now been donated. A private donation of a children’s car seat, booster seats, push chairs and various other children’s items was also made.

So, hopefully, every child will have a gift to open on Christmas morning. All of the other Lodges, already support many other charitable causes but, they found it in their hearts to dig just a little deeper to help these children. The whole experience has left many of them very emotional, with the over whelming generosity of so, so many kind people.

THANK YOU all very much on behalf of the children of Torrevieja.

The money from the Lodges was raised by holding raffles, theme events, BBQ’s and many other individual private events. They were kind enough to donate some of these monies to the “CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX DRIVE”.

At this point everything went into overdrive and many people started to donate independently. All of these boxes were given to Alimentos Solodarios de Torrevieja who will give these out to the children on Christmas Day.

Many thanks must be offered to the following Lodges and those who donated. White River Lodge, Dame Elche Lodge and Old Tower Lodge. Installed Masters Lodge, Torrevieja Chapter and Caledonia Lodge, And donations were recieved from Salvador Artesano, Torrevieja Christmas Shop, San Luis and many other anonymous donors.

If you are interested in Freemasonry, please contact me on the email address given below.